Polònia - Season 20 : Episode 20


  • Comedy

"Polonia" is a humorous space based on political satire. Each week, an analysis of current events is carried out through a series of sketches where the protagonists are politicians, journalists and media people. "Polonia" was released on TV3 on February 16, 2006. In 2007, he won the Ondas Award for the best local television show. In 2011 he won the ATV Make-up Award. In 2012 he won the Zapping award for the best entertainment program. At the moment its eighth season is emitting. The seventh season closed with an average of 595,000 spectators and 18% share of screen. Seven years later, the program has almost 8,400 minutes of gags, more than 350 imitated characters and more than 3,850 sketches written, recorded and emitted. If you want to know more about this program, visit the official website of "Polonia"

Season 20 Episodes


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